Competitive Amateur Boxing
Islington Boxing Club is one of North London’s premier amateur boxing gyms.
The Club has produced an array of national and international champion and we continue our success with our current team. IBC welcomes men, women and junior boxers and encourage them all to participate in the sport.
Find out moreRecreational Keep Fit Boxing
Our Recreational Boxing and Fitness Classes are aimed towards anyone who would like to learn the fundamentals of Boxing, benefiting from boxing fitness and assisting with mental health without progressing to compete.
If you are interested in training like as a boxer, in a boxer’s environment without the full contact combat but using the same rigorous workouts then this is the class for you!
Find out moreAcademy Boxing
Our Boxing Academy sessions are open to all beginners interested in the sport of boxing and with the intention of rising to a level (when fully trained) where they will eventually compete.
Everyone that enters at this level will learn the basic skills and techniques that will enable them to be promoted to the higher level of competitive boxing when they have reached the required standards.
From the ages of 8 to 35.
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Club History
Islington Boxing Club is a long -established amateur boxing gym run mainly by volunteers with a rich history and producing many champions at divisional (NW London & Middlesex), London, National and International level.
We were first founded and known as ‘Kings Cross Amateur Boxing Club’ in January 1974. The club was based in the community hall of Tiber Garden in York Way, close to Kings Cross Station. They were backed by a willing group of trainers and helpers who were all intent on getting the club established and hoping to rid the area of increasing vandalism by bored youngsters in a deprived environment.
We were appropriately renamed ‘Islington Boys’ Club’ as the club continued to grow moving briefly to York Way School, then onto Michael Sobell Sports Centre before moving to our much-loved wooden portal cabin in Hazellville Road in the early 1980’s where we still remain today.

Islington Boxing Club is a registered charity trading under the name of Islington Community Sports Academy.
We are proud to be self-funded through fundraising efforts that the management and volunteers of the club undertake weekly throughout the year. The club rely heavily on raising funds via subscriptions fees, membership fees, Boxing shows and other fundraising events.
Any funds that the club raise are used towards the upkeep of the club, which includes improving and maintaining our facilities, funding our members to compete across the country and aboard at various boxing tournaments.
We endeavour to help any of our members who are underprivileged financially. Our club is situated in a very diverse area of London and comes in as one the most deprived areas of the country.
We provide all the necessary equipment required to box, we try our utmost to encourage children/youths locally and further afield to participate in the sport to help improve their health and well-being.
New Build Project
Since its inception, the Club has seen thousands pass through its doors, from novices to the finest of Champions.
The Club’s work within the local Borough of Islington and beyond has been unparelled. Working with some of the poorest and most needy within the community, the Club has provided opportunity and hope to so many.
Historically these portacabins were erected whilst the Elthorne Estate was built. Over 40 years later the portacabins remain but despite the imaginative work and the commitment of the Club to restoring the building, the structure is no longer tenable.
This Club remains the heart beat of the community but a new building is urgently needed. A building that will last long into the future.
Our Charity (ICSA)
‘Islington Community Sports Academy’ (ICSA) was established in June 2012 and became the new charitable name of Islington Boxing Club (IBC) but still trading as IBC. Prior to this the club traded under the charitable name of Islington Boys’ Club but going into the 21st century this title was seen to be outdated. By 2012, the boxing section of the club started to expand heavily in quality and quantity.
ICSA works with local young people and adults, particularly those that other organisations may find difficult to engage with; our mission being to equip them with the motivation, self-confidence, and networks they need to change their lives, through the vehicle of competitive sport and health and fitness activities.
The charity continues to grow as each year passes and the long-term hope is to rebuild its premises on the current site.

Infants Boxing (for 5–8-year-olds)
Our youngest age group, and now a pathway to competitive boxing with our junior competitive team. Coaches teach the children basic boxing skills, including foot work, techniques, and bag work to name but a few!
Find out moreAvailable for Photo, Film & Television Location Hire
Looking for a traditional, fully equipped boxing gym with a great atmosphere in North London?
Find out moreSponsorships and Partnerships
View our current sponsors, partners and associates who help Islington Boxing Club. The club is always seeking and are open for sponsorship.
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